Appliance Model Number Locator
To locate the model and serial number of your appliance, you’ll need to find the Model Number Tag (pictured here). Do not use a model/serial combination from any other source.
All appliances have the brand name on the front of the unit, and may contain a series of numbers—this is not the manufacturer’s model number. Most manufacturer model numbers contain a combination of letters, numbers, and dashes.
WARNING: Providing the incorrect model number may result in delayed service or delivery of the wrong appliance parts. The model number listed on sales receipts, shipping boxes, and energy guide stickers is usually only a partial model number. Do not use these sources to obtain your model number. Also, the Use and Care manual is not a good way to find your model number; these booklets cover multiple different models, so there is no way of identifying which model number is for your appliance.
When providing the manufacturer’s model number, it is important to record the exact number from the Model Number Tag. Here is an example of what your appliance model number tag may look like:

Locate Your Appliance Model Number Here


Oven (Wall Oven)


Vent Hood

Chest Freezer


Top Freezer Refrigerator

Bottom Freezer Refrigerator

Side-by-Side Refrigerator

Trash Compactor

Top Load Washer

Front Load Washer
